Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Online Shopping And Online Business Model Essay - 1105 Words

This project has the aim of analyzing and finding the customer perception towards online shopping and online business model. The field work was done with the help of questionnaire and the summary of finding of the study is given below separately as follows:- 1. Most of the respondents have done online shopping the mode of payment is cash on delivery and is one of the major mode used for payment. 2. Some of them who didn’t prefer online shopping are mainly due to risk in credit transaction cheap quality products 3. The biggest attraction towards online shopping is home delivery and discount received as per customer perspective. 4. Most of the respondents have a dream of becoming an entrepreneur through online mode mostly which depicts the development of online platforms in upcoming years. 5. The reason behind choosing offline mode of business is mainly trust factor ,credibility personal approach towards target market. 6. This survey represent the respondents psychological acceptance towards various statements like:- †¢ Business online presence is more important and web designing firm is helpful for start-up business mainly †¢ The survey depicts that emerging technology such as SEO, Online Marketing etc. are supreme ways of attracting customers. †¢ As per the survey report well structured configured website play a vital role in enhancing the corporate image. 7. This survey also represent the customer preferences towards product features while selection some of them are:-Show MoreRelatedSwot Analysis of Ebay1134 Words   |  5 PagesDate : May 9, 2013 Strategic Management SWOT analysis of eBay Company : eBay Inc. Introduction eBay is an international online marketplace with a global customer base of 233 million. It is a multibillion business operating in 37 countries. There are millions of items listed on eBay, including antiques, toys, books, computers, sports and electronics, amongst many others. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Planning a Birthday Free Essays

Planning a birthday party may seem like a simple project, but it may be difficult and require a lot of work. In order to plan a successful party, you need to have excellent organizational skills, find a good location, secure a sufficient budget and have plenty volunteers. Beginning the process, you will need to have excellent organizational skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Planning a Birthday or any similar topic only for you Order Now This comes in handy as you figure out a list of people to invite including, family relatives, friends, and co-workers. You may fill out invitation cards and get them in the mail at least one week before the party. You need to give the guests enough time to R. S. V. P, so you will know how many people will be attending the birthday party. If you have the party at your house you will need to invite your neighbors. Having a party at your home sometimes comes with a lot of noise, your guests may park their cars by your neighbor’s house and you don’t want to trouble your neighbors. After you know how many people will be joining the birthday party, you need to start compiling a list of food, alcohol beverages, soft drinks, and party supplies such as paper plates, plastic forks, cups, napkins, decoration, games and possibly entertainment. Next choose an appropriate location to have your event. Possible places are: restaurants, clubs, hotel suites, ballrooms or your house. Let’s say you decide to have a party at your house. You have an advantage because you do not necessarily have to hire a catering company. Instead you can show off your cooking skills, and impress your guests. Another reason is that most of your guest already knows your home location and it will be easy for your guest to find the birthday party. Also having a party at your home will save some budget as compared to renting a place. If you decide host a party at some type of venue then more goes into preparing your party. For example, you choose your house as the place for the party. On the other hand, if you have a good budget and your home cannot fit a lot of guests, then you probably need to rent a place such as a hall. Final step, you will need to have a budget. One of the worst things that could happen is you plan everything and realize you do not have enough money. A good budget will help you watch your expenses. For example, if your budget is $1,000. 00 dollars for a birthday party, you can spend $600. 00 on food, drinks, and supplies and $300. 00 for hiring a DJ and $100. 00 for decorations. In conclusion throwing birthday parties take lots of planning and time management. How to cite Planning a Birthday, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Glass of Wine Critical Care Medicine Free Solution

Question: 1.1 Explain the impact of significant life events on individuals 1.2 Analyse possible group responses to significant life events that occur to one of its members 1.3 Analyse the impact for others in health and social care when an individual experiences significant life events 2.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of organisational policies and procedures in supporting individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events 2.2 Explain how others in social networks may provide support to individuals experiencing significant life events 2.3 Evaluate the suitability of external sources of support for those affected by significant life events 3.1 Analyse possible organisational responses to the need to support individuals experiencing a significant life event 3.2 Reflect on own personal contributions to the support of individuals experiencing significant life events 3.3 Make recommendations for improving the support available in a health and social care organisation for individuals and their social networks when affected by significant life events. Answer: Introduction The event which take place during the process of the life, which can be retirement related or on which an individual may be suffering from severe illness is known as life events (Duhigg, 2012). In other words, life events are the events which every individual have to face in his life. Life events include marriage, getting a job or the death of a family member. A young married man in his early thirties name George whose mother was suffering from terminal illness and was hospitalised for the same (Pearson, 2013). When George came to know about his mothers illness he took a leave from his office to spend some quality time with his mother. The doctor told George that his mother had only a short time to live, he was afraid of losing his mother. As he was unaware of managing a dying personal and was concerned about his family no one was there to support him not even the staff of the hospital as they was also busy in their work. When Georges mother died he was trying to fulfil all his mothers last wishes. So he took the help of a care team and went to the school where his mother use to teach and discussed about the treatments his mother was going through and raised over 300 for the charity she wanted to donate. This was the life event occurred in George life. Task 1: 1.1 Explain the physical, psychological and social impact of bereavement on individuals (that is; the bereaved person). The word bereavement is derived from an English word called to rob. Grieving means the psychological fundamentals of bereavement means the feelings a person have when a near and dear one dies (Smith, 2011). The death of a person involves multiples of feelings like anger, sadness, depression, etc. Every individual under goes bereavement in his own way and each bereavement has its own process. (Brady, 2015) Physical impacts of bereavement on individuals are the bereaved person faces difficulty to sleep, he may lose his appetite, he may feel lose of breath. The bereaved person may feel exhausted if the bereaved person was looking after the person who died. The psychological impact of bereavement on bereaved person he may be suffering from anger because he may feel injustice of his loss. He might be angry at the person who died leaving him alone in the world but these feelings are normal for the bereaved person. Grieving is another psychological effect the bereaved person may face. Grief may affect a bereaved person emotionally and physically. (Wells, 2010) After defending a big loss the bereaved person will totally be a changed person, he and his life will not remain the same as before and this will affect his social life. Social support may be ample after the loss. (Newell and Shanks, 2014) Friends and family would gather to support him after the death of his dear one. Sometimes the bereaved person may detach themselves socially from others, they may lose their interest in their daily activities, and he may even feel irritated with his life. In the above case George was suffering physically, psychologically and socially. Firstly, he was afraid of losing his mother and arouses a feeling that what would happen after the death of his mother. He was also feeling guilty for not meeting his mother for a long time (McClintock, 2012). He was not even getting social support from any one. 1.2 Analyse possible group responses to bereavement In the above case there was no one to support George; he joined a support group of families who were going through the same situation at the hospital. Soon after the death of Georges mother Mrs Garry, he acquired some knowledge from the support group, and took the help of a palliative care team. (Hawkes, 2015) Palliative Care is specialized in providing medical care to the person who is suffering from harmful diseases. (Gavier-Wide n, Duff and Meredith, 2012) It provides relief from the stress of the illness. It focuses on improving the life of the patient and his family members. Palliative care is given by the team of trained doctors and nurses helped by some specialists who work with the patients doctor to give extra support to the patients. It is applicable for any age group for any stage of illness and it is given with the remedial treatment (Wang, 2009). Palliative care motives the patients to carry on with the daily life. It provides strength to accept the medical treatments. Palliative team focuses on spending time with the patient and his family. They act as a partner with the patient, his family and the doctors. They support the patient in each step by controlling their symptoms and by discussing about the treatment options and goals. In the above case with the help of the Palliative care team George visited the school where his mother use to teach to fulfil the last wish of his mother. With the help of the team George spoke to the pupils of the school about the condition and the treatment his mother was receiving and the staff after receiving satisfactory answers to their questions they raise over 300 for the charity Mrs Garry wanted to donate. 1.3 Analyse the impact for others in health and social care when an individual is bereaved. Over 260000 patients die each year in Australia in National Health Service hospitals. The number of deaths recorded in 2008 is 56% and 16% die at home, 18% die in community establishments. It is recognized that the death of an individual creates an impact on the person experiencing the bereavement. For analysing the impact of bereavement on the person there had been research for many years. This has discovered from Freud through the theories that analysed the importance of making sense of the death (Snowden, 2006). Nurses are involved with the patients more than any other professionals. (Naveed, 2014) Often in some areas of acute care in hospitals, patients undergo with several process of admission and if they have severe illness they have to stay for long. This makes them known to nursing and other staff members. The purpose of the review is to analyse the responses from nurses which may have an adverse effect on their lives. Task 2: 2.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of organisational policies and procedures of supporting bereaved individuals Following are the ways by which the effectiveness of organisational policies and procedure of supporting bereaved individuals can be evaluated: (R. Ehlert, 2015) A minister named with responsibility for bereavement: Named minister with responsibility required for bereaved, to make sure that the bereaved person are given the importance they deserve to be given for the implementation of practice. Named minister have the authority to coordinate with all the government departments and can look after the policies that are affecting bereaved people. A national review of the effect of financial, administrative changes on bereaved person: The first and foremost duty of the minister would be to coordinate a cross-departmental review of the effect of administrative and economical changes on the bereaved people. (Metzger, 2006) A review reported that the major problem is money. The cost of funerals and other process during the death is rising, these creates an economical problem to some bereaved families. The rising cost of funerals should be minimised. Require training in bereavement for the people dealing with the bereaved people according to their accurate roles: Proper training should be provided to the people who contacts with the bereaved person. Training that involves awareness of reaction of grief, how to reply, he should know where is the requirement of more help, this training should be compulsory for the people who deals with the bereaved people. Acquiring training from specialist bereavement service can help to develop contact with local management and in this way they can help the bereaved families when there will be requirement for more help. Work for improved bereavement support at workplace: Bereavement is the major problem for employees, HR staff and other manager in the work place. Often employees need some time off to look after the dying person and to cope up with the fact of living without them. Some employee wants to join the work as soon as possible to deal with the situation and some require more time to adjust with the fact. There is no law entitlement to paid bereavement leave in U.K. But the employee has the right to deal with the death of person dependent on them which involves arranging the funeral. Some employees are sympathetic (Greiner, 2012). This review should discover the usefulness of paid bereavement leave. Local bereavement services can support employers to build a warm approach which involves staff training, discovering the policies and creating awareness. (Training equals staff loyalty at Paramount, 2002) For supporting people around a death there should be enough communities which should have the knowledge of grief to support people: After the death of the close one feeling alone is normal for everyone. But support from family and friends after the death of the dear ones feel good. But this support is for a certain time then everyone returns in their normal routine. There are some steps that should be followed by everyone to support bereaved person. A conversation at the shop or elsewhere or to hang around with the bereaved person can be supportive. Bring meal on a particular date can be helpful. The Aids Quilt, Alive Alone, Inc, Bereaved Parents of the USA, Dignity Memorial these are the bereavement organisation that look after the bereaved person. 2.2 Explain how others in social networks may provide support to bereaved individuals The others in social networks may provide support to bereaved individuals in the following ways: Counselling Directory acts as a largest support network to the bereaved person in UK. It aspires to be the leading supporter for analysis information. This service was founded in 2005. The Child Bereavement Charity Provides details about the management and what are the objectives of the management, their ongoing assignments and their contact details. They also provide some ways where others can also support the management. Cruse Bereavement Care if there is bereaved by death it provides counselling, support in free of cost. This organisation explains the services provided by them to the bereaved person and the ways other people can also help this organisation. The Compassionate Friends it provides support and encouragement to the bereaved families after the death of their children. It not only supports the bereaved family but also their friends and relatives by advising them. The Child Death Helpline this helpline is for all those who are suffering the grief of the death of a child. This helpline will provide the details of the people they will help. The Way is the foundation that supports young bereaved men and women. In this foundation membership is open for the widow up to the age of 50. www.wayfoundation.org.uk/ 2.3 Evaluate the suitability of external sources of support available for bereaved individuals The Specialists in the health and social care sector and the structure in which they work are known as external sources of support. It supports therapies like counselling, aromatherapy. General Practitioner is one of the external sources of support. Sometimes people may feel depressed in that case they can visit to General Practitioner and can discuss about the problem they face and according the general practitioner prescribe anti depressants. It consults the doctor first. The other external source of support is the adviser who advises and supports to understand his feelings. Me they help group acts as the third external source of support is a group of few people who have transferred to depression and where they speak together and supports the other. In this group people with same class of feelings can help and support other person with same feelings make them feel good. Psychiatric Disorder specialist is the person who deals with serious depression and treats for the same after pr operly listening to the problem. Task 3 The story is giving a clear picture of the society. Here in this case the mother didnt want to make her child in trouble and the son was unable to leave his family. After he knows the fact he spends all of his time with his mother till she die. After that he come to make her mothers last wish true. 3.1 The organisational structures can take their action to help the people in need.They can such steps by which they can identify the people like Mrs. Garry. The organisations are specially made to help the people like Mrs. Garry. They have to improve their survey to find out the people like her. After pointing out, they have to take the responsibility of them or they have to inform their family (Gardner, 2015). They have to make sure that they are giving importance to particular person or something. Like here the old woman didnt find any ones support. These things should be avoided. The staffs of the organisation should train enough in case of giving service to the victims. They have to give the best possible service which they can. The nurses or the staffs have to be well educated in case of serving treatment. The organisations have to treat the staffs to make them more efficient. The skill of the nurses and as well as the other staffs have to be improved. They have to take some immediate decision in some situation. So, this thing is very important (Wei and Merig, 2012). The communicative skill should be improved. They have to keep in mind that the people like Mrs. Garry are staying away from their family. They need case but they dont want to have it. Organisations have to communicate with them in such a way that they are ready to treatment The organisations have to take care that they are keeping the records of the cases. They can face the same situation in future. The case study can help them. In this case they are keeping the case study of Mrs. Garry. 3.2 As a health and social care professional reflect on your own personal contributions to the support of individuals experiencing significant life events such as bereavement. As a professional the main step which should be taken to take care of those people who are the part of your family. If there is any person like Mrs. Garry take case of her. They need case and the near and dear one can give the care to them. They have to make sure that the person who is living with them should not suffer from any kind disease. As a professional I have some moral duties to do (Svanberg, 2011). The prime motive is the patients who will visit to me; I will take good care of them. I will make them feel that they will be completely cured within a very short time span. They are visiting to me to make sure that they are going to be all right. I will take care of their belief and I will serve them the best service which I can do (Iervasi, Forini and Sabatino, 2012). The next step is awareness. The people should not leave the family. They have to take care of the people who gave them birth. So, I am going to publish an article. The article will say that how the care can be taken and the common people can take care of the old persons in their home (Palfreyman, 2007). Last thing which I can do is to give a donation to those organisations who serves people like Mrs. Garry. They are really doing hard and they are running out of fund. They can take care of the people in need. So, the donation can help the people. 3.3 recommendations for improving the support available in a Care Home for residents and their social networks when affected by significant life events such as bereavement. The Health care services can be improved in so many ways The organisations should be more careful while they are giving treatment to the old people. They are morally depressed, so, they need some special care. They can deny in having treatment. The staffs should talk to them to make better result. They have to give the best service they can give. The total process is described under (Editorial Board, 2015) They have give importance to all those who are in need (Tanguay, 2001). They have to make sure that they giving the best service to the patients. The skill of the nurses and as well as the other staffs have to be improved. They have to take some immediate decision in some situation. So, this thing is very important. The communicative skill should be improved. They have to keep in mind that the people like Mrs. Garry are staying away from their family. They need case but they dont want to have it. Organisations have to communicate with them in such a way that they are ready to treatment The organisations have to take care that they are keeping the records of the cases. They can face the same situation in future. The case study can help them. In this case they are keeping the case study of Mrs. Garry. From the discussion it is clear that they organisations are there and as well as the individuals are there also. But the process needs more care, more improvement. They are trying to improve the system looking at Mrs. Garry. They are now determined that they will not let anyone die like Mrs. Garry. Conclusion The events that bring great changes in persons life like divorce, death, marriage is known as life events. From the above case study it is evident that a young man named George whose mother died. After the death of his mother he was trying to fulfil his mothers last wish with the help of the Palliative care team and raise a fund of 300 and donated to a charity in which his mother wanted to donate. There are different kinds of organization which have been introduced in Australia in order to provide care to the bereaved patients and their family. However, it is significant to note that the relatives and friends of bereaved person should be provided with basic training to support the bereaved person properly so that they dont feel lonely or depressed. A bereaved person must take the help of the organisation that fully supports the bereaved person References: Editorial Board. (2015). Endocrinology, 156(5), pp.2C-2C. Gardner, L. (2015). Structures. Structures, 1, p.1. Iervasi, G., Forini, F. and Sabatino, L. (2012). A glass of wine. Critical Care Medicine, 40(11), pp.3098-3099. Palfreyman, D. (2007). Online Media: New Dimensions for Language Awareness. Language Awareness, 16(1), pp.1-6. Svanberg, K. (2011). Collaborating for Cures. SPIE Professional. Tanguay, P. (2001). Nonverbal learning disabilities at home. London: Jessica Kingsley Pub. Wei, G. and Merig, J. (2012). Methods for strategic decision-making problems with immediate probabilities in intuitionistic fuzzy setting. Scientia Iranica, 19(6), pp.1936-1946. Brady, D. 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Terminal Psychiatric Illness. Perspect Psychiatr Care, 49(2), pp.73-74. Ehlert, C. (2015). Evaluation of German Active Labour Market Policies and their Organisational Framework. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Smith, K. (2011). Shakespeare and son. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger. Snowden, R. (2006). Freud. Chicago, Ill.: Contemporary. Training equals staff loyalty at Paramount. (2002). Education + Training, 44(7), pp.318-319. Wang, D. (2009). UP-3.176: Remedial Treatment of Failure in Ureterscopic Lithotripsy in 126 Proximal Ureteral Stone Patients. Urology, 74(4), p.S349. Wells, I. (2010). Psychological well-being. New York: Nova Science Publishers.