Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Online Shopping And Online Business Model Essay - 1105 Words

This project has the aim of analyzing and finding the customer perception towards online shopping and online business model. The field work was done with the help of questionnaire and the summary of finding of the study is given below separately as follows:- 1. Most of the respondents have done online shopping the mode of payment is cash on delivery and is one of the major mode used for payment. 2. Some of them who didn’t prefer online shopping are mainly due to risk in credit transaction cheap quality products 3. The biggest attraction towards online shopping is home delivery and discount received as per customer perspective. 4. Most of the respondents have a dream of becoming an entrepreneur through online mode mostly which depicts the development of online platforms in upcoming years. 5. The reason behind choosing offline mode of business is mainly trust factor ,credibility personal approach towards target market. 6. This survey represent the respondents psychological acceptance towards various statements like:- †¢ Business online presence is more important and web designing firm is helpful for start-up business mainly †¢ The survey depicts that emerging technology such as SEO, Online Marketing etc. are supreme ways of attracting customers. †¢ As per the survey report well structured configured website play a vital role in enhancing the corporate image. 7. This survey also represent the customer preferences towards product features while selection some of them are:-Show MoreRelatedSwot Analysis of Ebay1134 Words   |  5 PagesDate : May 9, 2013 Strategic Management SWOT analysis of eBay Company : eBay Inc. Introduction eBay is an international online marketplace with a global customer base of 233 million. It is a multibillion business operating in 37 countries. There are millions of items listed on eBay, including antiques, toys, books, computers, sports and electronics, amongst many others. 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